bridging the gap

InterACT in der Ukraine:
Legislatives Theater zur Korruption im Hochschulwesen im Kyiv Acadmic Youth Theatree


Auf Einladung der Initiative „Theatre for Dialogue, die im Zuge der Geschehnisse auf dem Maydan-Platz in Kiew gegründet wurde,  arbeitete Michael Wrentschur von InterACT von 19.  22.6.2014 mit Forumtheaterschaffenden und AktivistInnen aus der Ukraine (mit Unterstützung des Kulturforum der Österreichischen Botschaft in Kiew).

Einem Theaterworkshop zu den immensen emotionalen Herausforderungen angesichts der angespannten Situation in der Ukraine folgte ein dreitägiger Workshop, bei dem ausgehend von den vielfältigen Erfahrungen der Teilnehmenden  Forumtheaterszenen zur „Korruption im Hochschulwesen“ entwickelt wurden. Diese erlebten ihre Premiere am Abend des 22. 6 im Kyiv Acadmic Youth Theatre unmittelbar nach einer Präsentation zu Legislativen Theaterprojekten von InterACT in Österreich. Die Forumtheaterszenen werden zukünftig Teil eines „Legislativen Theaterprojekts“ zu diesem Thema.

Die Forumtheateraufführung selbst, bei der das Publikum zahlreiche Einstiege erprobte, machte die Brisanz des Themas „Korruption im Hochschulwesen“ deutlich und eröffnete eine tiefgehenden theatralen und politischen Diskurs, wie der in der Ukraine stattfindende soziale und politische Wandel gerade auch im Hochschulwesen weitergeführt werden kann und muss.

Michael Wrentschur von InterACT folgte einer Reihe internationaler Forumtheater Joker aus aller Welt wie Roberto Mazzini/ITA, Brent Blair/USA, Hector Aristizabal/ COL/USA, Xris Readon/ AUS, Ronald Matthijssen/ NL, die seit Mitte Februar in der Ukraine mit den lokalen Gruppen und Communities arbeiten.

Damit zeigt InterACT neben seiner starken regionalen und lokalen Präsenz, die seit dem WeltForumTheaterFestival 2009" gestiegene internationale Präsenz – Präsentationen und Workshops in Melbourne und Sydney erfolgen in Kürze …

22nd of July 2014, 05:00 pm
Legislative theatre:
bridging the gap between decision makers and people


Microscene, Kyiv Academic Youth Theatre
Prorizna 17

Kiew / Ukraine

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Contact Person: Yana Salakhova, 097-361-8379

Initiative “Theatre for Dialogue” was founded as solidarity response to the crisis in Ukraine in February 2014 by group of activists to promote Theatre of the Oppressed methodology in Ukraine.

Theatre of the Oppressed was created by a Brazilian theatre-maker Augusto Boal in the 1960s, during dictatorship in Brazil and other Latin American countries. Augusto Boal was working with a theatre group and looked for ways to connect theatre with lives of people, who are suffering from oppression and injustice. TO is a set of games and exercises, aimed at developing among the oppressed the skills of the language of theatre, which is in itself a universal language.

About trainer

Michael Wrentschur is Teacher and Researcher at the University of Graz, Institute of Educational Sciences and Department of Social Pedagogy. He works in such fields: Social-Cultural Work and Social participation; Theatre Work in Social Fields/ Theatre of the Oppressed; Drama based Research; Poverty and social exclusion. He is author of many books and articles about theatre work in social fields. Michael is founder and artistic director of a nonprofit, professional theatre and culture initiative InterACT. He facilitated and directed workshops, lectures and presentations on Forum Theatre Work and Legislative Theatre Work in various fields of Social Work, Adult Education, Social and political movements and Conferences in Austria, Belgium, Bosnia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Iran, Serbia, Sweden Slovenia, Sweden, Turkey, USA.

InterACT has developed a broad expertise in bridging the gap between political/ administrative decision makers and people, affected by certain social problems by the use of political-participatory theatre methods: We have worked on issues of air pollution, homelessness, poverty and social exclusion, labour market policy, use of public space inspired by the concept of Legislative Theatre. These projects were carried out with a large number of partners and initiatives and led to performances at places, where political and administrative decisions are made - like town halls, the regional parliament of Styria or the National Parliament in Vienna.
